*CONFESSION TIME* I never ever used to have a skincare routine. I used to be one of these gals who would wipe their makeup off half arsedly with a makeup wipe at the end of the day and maybe occasionally use a chemical riddled face scrub in the shower for a treat lol.
My skin wasn't terrible but it wasn't healthy, it was pretty dry and although I never really got spots, I got really horrendous black head (TMI, I know, sorry!) It just wasn't looking or feeling good. It wasn't really until I got really into makeup and beauty did I start to learn the basics of skin care. Mainly because I was frustrated about my makeup not sitting right on my face.
When skincare started to peak my interest I wanted something that was going to be easy and not too time-consuming (I hated having to faff about before getting into bed, lazy girl life) I tried a lot of products and routines and none of them stuck because I didn't enjoy doing them and to be honest it was pretty expensive!
I stumbled across The Ordinary when I say stumbled I mean everyone was already talking about it and I was very late to the party, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I've been using their products for about a month now and honestly, I'm in love!