Saturday, 23 June 2018

The Ordinary - A Brand Far From That

*CONFESSION TIME* I never ever used to have a skincare routine. I used to be one of these gals who would wipe their makeup off half arsedly with a makeup wipe at the end of the day and maybe occasionally use a chemical riddled face scrub in the shower for a treat lol.

My skin wasn't terrible but it wasn't healthy, it was pretty dry and although I never really got spots, I got really horrendous black head (TMI, I know, sorry!) It just wasn't looking or feeling good. It wasn't really until I got really into makeup and beauty did I start to learn the basics of skin care. Mainly because I was frustrated about my makeup not sitting right on my face.

When skincare started to peak my interest I wanted something that was going to be easy and not too time-consuming (I hated having to faff about before getting into bed, lazy girl life) I tried a lot of products and routines and none of them stuck because I didn't enjoy doing them and to be honest it was pretty expensive!

 I stumbled across The Ordinary when I say stumbled I mean everyone was already talking about it and I was very late to the party, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I've been using their products for about a month now and honestly, I'm in love!

For my first venture into the brand I opted to try out the Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution (£6.80), the Natural Moisturising Factors HA (£5) and the Lactic Acid 5% with HA 2% (£5.50).

The price range for this brand is pretty damn great, I have never seen an acid serum or decent toner for under £10 before. However, I was a little shocked at the size of the moisturiser (30ml) for the price. I've used others with have been a similar price with a larger quantity of product. Nevermind... I still love it and isn't breaking the bank like others I've purchased, much to the dismay of my bank account.

Price aside, these products DELIVERED. The moisturiser leaves my skin feeling plump and juicy, I apply it twice a day AM and PM at the end of my routine, and the toner at the beginning, and it leaves my skin feeling phenomenal. I only use the lactic acid solution once a week (twice if I'm extra spotty) and it stops any spots in their tracks. Lactic Acid, I heart you and I'm totally here for this skincare business.

After this experience, I'm eager to try out more of their products so I'm very much open to suggestion. I think my heart is set on the Vitamin C Suspension cream.

Thank you The Ordinary for brightening up my life and face with your amazingly simple (and back account friendly) products. Lots of love, all the skincare newbs like me.

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