Monday, 23 July 2018

Pushing Through Those Times Of Un-motivation When You're Just Starting Out

When you're trying to make yourself visible in a world where almost everyone is doing the same thing you are, it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated. It can often feel that the hours of writing, photo taking and editing you're doing is going un-noticed and underappreciated when realistically, that's not the case. It's just there's so many of us all trying to get to the same place.


Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Vita Liberata Invisi Foaming Tan Water - The Tan Of Dreams

Now, I've never been one for self tanning. Being a ginger gal with paler than pale skin, I've always been apprehensive about wearing false tan because I thought I would end up looking horrendously tangoed and my skin would end up clashing with my hair.

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