Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Why I'm Going To Make 2018 A 'Selfish' Year

It's been a long, long, long time since I even thought about writing a post on my blog. Life got in the way and I didn't have the time I needed to dedicate to writing and blogging outside of my journalism degree. In fact, a lot of my hobbies got put on the back burner last year because I had committed my time to other things which I thought would be beneficial but in hindsight, they weren't.

So we're two months into 2018 (even though it feels like 6 because January went on for 10 years) and old habits have died hard and I've still found myself giving too much of my time to things that aren't beneficial for me or are causing me more stress than necessary. 

So from now,  I have decided that 2018 is going to be my 'selfish' year. By that, I don't mean I'm going to cut every other responsibility or commitment I have involving other people, I just mean I'm going to re-direct my focus towards things that are going to benefit me in the long run. Getting back to blogging is one of them! 

I just think that taking back some of your time and spending it on yourself, whether it be taking yourself for some pampering, setting a couple of hours aside to get stuck into a book or even just working on something the further your career in something you love, can be so important to your wellbeing. If you're like me, and you find it difficult to say no when you're asked to do something then I know it's easier said than done. But this year should be a year for you.

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