Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Lunch at Love Lilly - Some Exciting News

It's easy to get in the mindset that no-one really cares about what you have to say when you're a blogger. Especially when you're writing about things thousands of other, more popular bloggers, are writing about the same thing and the difference is they're out there getting sponsors and paid partnerships along the way. Ya know?


Friday, 9 March 2018

Gift Guide - Mother's Day Edition

I'm definitely one of those people who prefer to give gifts than receive them, especially if those gifts are for my family. As Mother's Day is swiftly approaching it can be difficult to know what to get to make your gift perfect, especially if that special lady you're gifting is anything like my mam, deserves an ocean full of diamonds and an all expenses paid trip to New York. But, I have some idea's which might make your shopping struggles a little bit easier, here are my top 3.


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